11.11. 02 Band formed.
19.11.02 We were three, til Laur changed her mind.
04.12.02 Hmm....it's really difficult to stick with a third member.
No one wants to take us seriously.
08.12.02 Decided to try as a duet and wait for the right person to come
along. This could take awhile.
10.12.02 Seems Natasha has some bizarre Yani-like influence she wants to experiment
with. Wouldn't that take more instruments than we will ever find?
20.12.02 Found a temporary drummer. Nat thinks I should do
the lead vocals..as long as she has a part in it. Err...okay.
03.01.03 Okay, back from vacation and ready to ROCK!!! Wait..just
found out the drummer(what was her name again?) decided she, too, has better things to do. We'll be big and you'll be scraping
up pocket money off the streets, wench!
Ohh sorry I'll not be spiteful..lol. Anyhoo, a name was finally agreed upon. Ladies
and gentlemen, please give a warm welcome and a big hand to...Virginistic!!!! *Feel free to applaud*
07.01.03 Taking lessons for the keyboard and guitar. Maybe I should be
the drummer as well and leave the singing up to Nat? Much to her horror!
12.01.03 Guess who's b-day it is!!! No, not mine. Melanie C's! Wish I
could wish her a happy birthday, but we're not famous so I haven't met her yet. But someday....someday....
18.01.03 Nat's got a bunch of track stuff to do, and I am still scouting
for a drummer. Come on, people, you have to be out there somewhere!!
We are both going to rehearse what we know for now. This may take awhile.
02.02.03 Met a guy who's into the same kind of music, but Nat thinks he's only
after my you-know-what. Still, he's a music buff and that's a plus. Wonder what he plays?
11.02.03 Again, another flop. He just wants me to spend the night with him for Valentine's day. FYI: He's married. Loser!!
15.02.03 That's it. We're going a capella til I can learn how to
hit those rough, angry notes. This gives Nat a chance to study and run her 800s in track. Whatever.
20.02.03 Someone's birthday today. I'm not saying who cos
she never WAS a mother to me. Why even acknowledge it? I'll just write a song about a sh** of a role model, dedicate
it to her, and hope it will be a hit someday. Hey Eminem can do it..so can I. Besides, Nat's too lazy to even try to rehearse
with me. I'm hanging in there with her for the sake of the band. But how much longer.......!!
03.10.03 REASON is out in the UK. I'm getting better at
pouring my feelings out through songwriting. When I'm famous for this I'm gonna arrange a press meeting just to tell Melanie
how much she's inspired me and helped me through the hard times. We've never met, but she changed my life and I think of people
who have it worse off than me...ie the families that don't even have a roof over their heads or even a car to sleep in. Thanks
for opening my eyes, Mel. May the Goddess bless you and your love.
10.04.03 Can't get my own song out of my head. Nat says it will be a hit.
We'll see.
21.04.03 STILL no drummer. If Hanson can sing a capella and attract
labels, and if Jewel can go from being poor and homeless to being a star, then I think we can do this. Savage Garden
was a duet!
04.05.03 Three songs written already. Got back from
South Padre Island a few weeks ago and all that beautiful scenery has made me think of Barbados. Too bad I am too poor to
go. Someday, folks. Someday...
05.05.03 WOOHOO! I'm 20 f*cking years old!!! One more year and I can get
us into the bars. Sisters in OKC is gonna be my first place to perform after I'm legal(to drink), and maybe I'll pick up a
few butchies while I'm there. Long as she don't have hairy arms and a mustache. I want butch, not a man.
13.05.03 Rehearsal gig, which basically means we envision a bunch of people
in front of us and act like we're singing to them as an audience. I had this crazy idea of using celebrity pics I printed
out just to get us used to singing for the pros. Yes, people...I even used a Mel C printout...lol! I guess in a way
I have already sung for her! < ^_^ >
09.06.03 First gig ever and I'm so psyched! We're all booking our
own cos we can't afford a bookeeper. It's at a little coffee house a mile away, and I don't have a car so fortunately my bandmate
Chris does. Whew!
10.06.03 Nat and I had out aside our differences for the sake of finally
getting a gig, but this just isn't going to work out. Maybe after tonight we'll get along better, but that is
if she can sing what we're supposed to. If not, I may have to venture down the ole solo trail. Which, by the way, is even
more difficult to accomplish than getting a proper band together. No one to laugh with, to reflect back on the good and bad
times with, and to vent at when nothing is going your way.
12.06.03 Success!! They all clapped and bobbed their heads when Chris
introduced us with his banging riffs. Well, some looked kind of disappointed, but then again u can't please everyone!
I noticed some guys pointing to me and whispering while they were bobbing. One of them
smiled but I was too busy singing to hear what he said. not that I like guys, but it's very flattering to see how much
they like the music!
15.06.03 Father's Day Who the hell cares? I have no father and no
*real* mother. Apart from that, and Nat being a little bitch, I have no worries. I finally have a job and soon will have enough
money for a decent guitar. No more borrowing an ex-bandmate's dad's old one. Someday I would like to play bass for Mel C.
That is, when I am good enough.
Hey Melanie!!! What do u think, eh?? Any chance of it happening?
Just think..one of your biggest fans, who happens to be a musician and serious about the music(no flaking out, like SOME people
have done to me....) and just wanting to
be up there rocking on with a great talent such as yourself. E-mail me if u ever need a bassist!
07.8.2003 Nothing thrills me more than
having my very own guitar, even if it's just a $55 Brooks Beginners acoustic. Hey, better that than nothing, right?
All that screaming really does my head in, so maybe I'll work on a more mellow
14.8.03 Wrote a few songs that sound kind of blues-y. One in particular
actually reminds me of a folk song once I play the guitar to it. A lot of people say I sound like Jewel. Well, I don't
think so but the public knows better than I do.
23.8.03 This will be my last entry for awhile, as I am busy with
work, learning more chords, songwriting, and errands. Not to mention buying new clothes for my trip in December. I'm going
to see Melanie C in concert..woohoo!! :-D