A Gallery of Dreams


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Contact Me
Yahoo Groups and Links
Yahoo Groups and Links

Take a look at these links, and be sure and tell them Rachel sent you!

Just be sure and let people know how you found their group, because the more people I refer the better site mod I will be.
For those who really DON'T care about all this, but do love Harry Potter instead, go check out some of the latest news, gossip, and rumours about the upcoming movie(due sometime in April).
If e-mail is not accessible, just IM me if you have any questions about the site or just want to talk. I have msn messenger, but that's all.
Look for scouselover83@hotmail.com, but only serious inquiries PLEASE.


Great links to check out

MEL_C_INTERNATIONAL official fan group!

More for you Chisholm fans out there!

Harry Potter nuts

Sims Freaks like me

My favourite group